Sunday, November 15, 2009

I'd like a fries and a coke

Hey Foodie Nation!

Hope all is well on the home front. I was walking home from good ol' Aldy today (Alden Library, natch) and noticed something I failed to recognize before. Court Street is flanked, and I mean flanked with restaurants...mainly fast-food joints. What gives, Athens? Aren't we known for our organic reputation? Well, with that said, I decided to get all newsy on yo' bad selves and write a little story for your viewing enjoyment!


She picks up a greasy, oddly shaped French fry, dips it into ketchup and puts it in her mouth. “Ahhh…delicious,” says Katie Pretzlav, a junior studying English at Ohio University.

Located on 40 South Court Street, Wendy’s is just one of the many fast food restaurants Athens offers to hungry college students in a bind.

It’s no surprise that fast food is high in fat content. However, more recently studies have shown that there is a correlation between fast-food intake, excessive weight gain leading to health complications.

“I try not to eat fast food too often,” says Pretzlav while indulging in another fry. “It’s hard, though, when you are in between classes and some place like Jimmy John’s or Chipotle is so quick and simple. I guess I don’t really look at the health risks.”

It appears efficiency is a common theme during college and here at Ohio University students main objective seems no different.

With a myriad of fast-food places just on Court Street in Athens, it’s easy to find a quick bite to eat. Places just on Court Street include:

  • Subway
  • Jimmy John’s
  • Bagel Street Deli
  • Wendy’s
  • Big Mamma’s
  • and several other quick and easy fixes.

Fast food consumption in the United States has increased steadily in the past three decades. According to Barbara Alving, M.D. an Acting Director at the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Insitute, “Obesity and diabetes are on the rise in this country.”

In 2002, investigative journalist Eric Schlosser published a book called Fast Food Nation that delves into the United States consumption of the fast food industry. In his book he places important focus on obesity and people’s body mass index.

Schlosser writes that an obese person has a body mass index of 30 or higher. He writes that 44 million American adults are now considered obese and another six million are considered super-obese which is weighing a hundred pounds more than they should.

Another similar investigation of the fast food industry was done by Morgan Spurlock in his documentary, Super Size Me. Spurlock wanted to see the health risks associated with eating nothing but McDonald’s and during one month in 2003, he ate nothing but what was on the Golden Arch’s menu.

Throughout his 30 day trial, Spurlock noticed considerable changes in his emotional, psychological and physical state. By the end, Spurlock 24 plus pounds, a cholesterol level of 230 and a 13% body mass increase. Besides the physical, Spurlock went through phases of depression, liver damage and a loss of sexual appetite.

“Now, I know what you're saying,” says Spurlock. “You're saying nobody's supposed to eat this food three times a day. No wonder all this stuff happened to you. But the scary part is: there are people who eat this food regularly. Some people even eat it every day.”

After the documentary was released, McDonald’s immediately did away with the option of having your meal “Super Size” and has generated for healthier options.

While fast food restaurants are making strides to offer fat free options such as salads and fruit, Mark Pereira, Ph.D. author and professor of epidemiology at the University of Minnesota thinks otherwise.

“It’s extremely difficult to eat in a healthy way at a fast-food restaurant. Despite some of their recent healthful offerings, the menus still tend to include foods high in fat, sugar and calories and low in fiber and nutrients.”

Instead of using fast food restaurants as a fall back, Pereira says, people need to reevaluate their eating habits and cut back.

“I only eat fast food up on Court Street once a month,” says Clarissa Kumor, a sophomore studying Special Education at Ohio University. “Maybe it’s because I’m still in the dorms and dining halls have healthier options, but everything just seems kind of unappetizing and high in fat.”

Darek Wilson, a junior studying Interior Architecture agrees. “A lot of the United States has an overwhelming amount of obese people. Having all these fast-food chains doesn’t make sense and it’s only perpetuating the problem.”

A problem it may be, but until consumers start to realize they are feeding in (no pun intended) to the problem, I guess America and the world will keep “having it their way.”

Below is a map of some of the fast-food restaurants JUST on Court Street in Athens, Ohio. It's a little ridiculous how many there are in a half-mile radius.

View Untitled in a larger map

Until next time fellow foodies, try an apple and milk at Subway instead of that
liquid death we call pop and chips!

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Confessions of a Shop-a-holic

Completely random, but necessary:

I went to Easton Town Center in the good ol' 614 (Columbus, if ya'll didn't know) and took pictures of my a) "condition" and b) this amazing burger place called Five Guys: Burgers and Fries.

I am now in love. I hadn't tasted a hamburger in quite some time and sinking my teeth into this bad boy was heavenly


Should be illegal, eh?

So, here's a FANTASTIC but short slideshow of my Veteran's Day indulging in excessive consumerism and fantastic foodie delights:

Until next time foodies, pumpkin pie is calling my name and therefore, I cannot neglect!

Berry Berry Good

So, school is winding down and i'm still hungry.

I've been trying to eat well-balanced meals, but with papers, blogs, projects, homework, etc...things have gotten the best of me.

I do, however, have something that I've been randomly thinking about.


Now, maybe it's because I've been seeing couples all over campus displaying their affection, rather grotesquely. Even when I did have significant others, I don't announce it to everyone. I find it a little tacky, even. Hand holding? Fine. A small peck to say goodbye? Sure, whatever floats your boat. But, it seems everyone has been eating foods that somehow make them pounce on their boyfriend's and girlfriend's.

Can you tell I'm a little bitter? Hah.

As I was doing research online, I found a list of foods broken down into specific groups that is set to stimulate your sexual prowess.

As follows:


  • carrots
  • cucumbers
  • onions
  • asparagus
  • artichokes
  • radishes
  • celery
  • tomatoes
  • parsnips
  • truffles
  • mushrooms
  • cabbage
  • potatoes


  • mangoes
  • pomegranates
  • peaches
  • strawberries
  • avocados
  • guavas
  • passion fruit
  • persimmon
  • dates
  • figs
  • bananas


  • pine nuts
  • pistachios
  • coconuts
  • chestnuts
  • walnuts
  • almond
Okay, interesting, right? But onions??? Every time I've gone on a date (do kids in college even go on dates?) and have had a meal with onions, the guy has been kind of disgusted with my "onion breath" and quickly gives me a piece of Orbit. I suppose a nice gesture, but dang...can a brotha catch a break?

I need to talk to my friend Emilee who has a fantastic sex blog called Bad Touch and she talks about everything and anything sexual. I wonder how she feels on the subject.

On a Web site I looked through, it had this to say about foods riling up yo' senses:

The best way to use food to stimulate is to set your table with love in mind. Great cooks say the best food is made with love. Captivate your loved one with sensual foods and flavors that can be savored. Select foods that of varying textures and tastes. To enhance the attraction select foods that can be finger fed to each other."

So, I wonder if fish sticks and sauerkraut balls could be considered aphrodisiacs? They are finger food and while fried, completely and utterly delicious. I may have to try that out sometime.

The alpha of all aphrodisiacs seems to be the oyster, right? I never understood how something so slimy and smelly could be considered so sexual and "hawt."

I delved deeper into the history of the oyster and found that, "these slippery critters are full of zinc. Zinc controls progesterone levels, which have a positive effect on the libido. Zinc deficiency can cause impotence in men, so any food rich in zinc is considered an aphrodisiac in that respect, and oysters happen to be loaded with the mineral.

Many believe that oysters were originally labeled "aphrodisiac" because of their shape. Upon close inspection, they somewhat resemble the female sex organ. This could be a reason why people in the past associated mussels with sexuality. Sexual appetite, more often than not, starts in the mind rather than in the body, so oysters could have a psychological effect on the libido."

Whew, interesting, right? Who knew food could have such hidden meanings? And while Valentine's Day is three or so months away, i'll be at Kroger taking all the onions in preparation.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Breaking the daily bread

I was inspired by my classmate Kailey's blog, Snackface this week. She is a fellow OU student and foodie blogger, writing about her daily food jaunts with a twist: she's a vegan!

Anyway, as I looked through her blog, rather creepily might I add, I found that I loved when she posted pictures of her food throughout the day.

With that said, I decided to go down the path of self-discovery and figure out if food reflects your personality. Let's see, shall we?

Like I said, I usually never have breakfast unless a coffee is defined as a suitable break alternative. And, I usually spend most of my afternoons in the lovely and refined Baker University Center which leaves me to satiate my hunger.

Lately i've been on a mexican kick and decided on Tuesday to go to Chipotle to indulge in "authentic" mexican cuisine.

Doesn't it look absolutely delicious and awful at the same time? Sour cream lathering a mix of lettuce, pinto beans, cheese and rice? Heavenly? Yes.

700 calories later...not so much.

After that I was full until dinner time and decided to snack on saltines with peanut butter and strawberry jelly! Personally, I find this to be a great snack/dinner (if you eat about thirty, which, well, let's be honest--I did) on the grind.

The next day I began my morning right:

Add The Post and i'm set to go. I believe I haven't gone a day without some sort of "coffee drink" as my roommate Emily likes to call it. I love coffee so much that when I take an absence from it, the effects remind me that I can't neglect--cue the Intervention music. Hey kids, caffeine is a drug, too.

For lunch my friends and I have our tradition, "Quesadilla Wednesdays." Call us lame, silly, you name it--we probably know.

Anyway, today we weren't really feeling the quesodilla, at least the people who make the food thought so. We asked for them and they gave us burittos and chips. So, I tried adding a little less to this mexican fiesta since my Chipotle experience was pretty filling and intense.

Real big improvements, right?

After that I had my Online Journalism class I ran to grab a "Quick Fix" aka-Red Bull (i'm hilarious) and my classmate who I mentioned earlier, Kailey brought me a Cliff Bar. I was asking her about these because she had a few pictures on her blog of them. Coming in various flavors, she gave me the chocolate chip and it was delicious! It usually can substitute for a meal, pairing it with apples, etc to balance out the food groups. Anyway, shout to Kailey for being awesome and helping a fellow foodie out!

So, your tour officially ends here. I borrowed (stole) my friend's camera which is super nice...can you tell the quality of my photos are getting better?

I'm pretty excited about it, I know.

Have fun foodin' this weekend and since i'm going home for a few short days, i'll be taking pictures of my travels!

Until next time, keep on party-ing in the USA.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Because i'm still a kid at heart...

So, it's Tuesday and the beginning of Week 9. 

I can feel the intensity brewing with final exams and papers looming over my head, making me more and more stressed. 

However, I realize that stressing doesn't do the body good, but animal shaped foods do!

So, with that said a photo montage of some of the most kickin' foods shaped like your favorite animalias! 

Pigs shaped as pastries...can it get any better??

Cat sandwiches: Easy and fun...meow. 

Modeled after my favorite animal, Panda's are all the rage in desserts these days!

The world's most popular gummy...Swedish Fish could kick Gummy Worms asses any day. 

A classic treat, frosted animal crackers with little confetti...cue the lions, tigers and bears, oh


These are probably the coolest things I've seen since, well, ever. Everything is better in shapes and I believe everyone can attest. Let's be honest, Kraft's Mac & Cheese in shapes somehow ALWAYS taste better than the original noodle. 

Anyway, while this post may seem a little silly, I think we (OU students and students in general) need a little break from the chaos. 

Until next time, keep enjoying week nine and here's to feeling fine! 

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Ghouls and Gobblings

The saying this weekend was "Happy HallOUween!" and it sure was happy at that.

I had an internal struggle on Saturday whether to be a Grecian or a Lumberjack--the Grecian won by a landslide. However, as I went through the day, besides the visible lack of clothing adorned by OU students, I saw a ton of Halloween food that looked oh-so appetizing.

I've compiled a list of top four Halloween treats that would make any ghost become friendlier than Casper:

1. Candy Corn- Candy corn is one of those Halloween staples that gets overlooked year after year. It seems everyone hates candy corn, but it's small, delicious and cost-effective! A huge bag costs around three dollars and even more recently, candy corn is in different shapes! No long does it look like elongated corn, but the "corn" also comes in a pumpkin shape and chocolate and caramel!

2. Pumpkin seeds- While pumpkin seeds may not seem like the traditional Halloween treat, pumpkin seeds are delicious when lightly salted and roasted. Inexpensive and quick, pumpkin seeds last a long time and are a nice compliment to any meal or dish. I personally love my pumpkin seeds with light salt, dipped in hummos. Tasty, to say the least!

3. Candied Caramel Apples- I equate nutrition by the amount of fruits and vegetables I consume. So, with that said, when I eat caramel apples I am having the best of both worlds...eating something completely healthy, while indulging in a sticky treat. One of the easiest desserts you can do for Halloween, grab a batch of Granny Smith apples with some caramel and go to town!

4. Popcorn hands- Popcorn is simple, it's quick and even better when it's in hand form! Adding some melted chocolate, candy corn, caramel chips and pretzels to the mix makes it even better. As easy as it seems, popcorn hands are such a throwback to when you went Trick-or-Treating. All you need are plastic gloves and all the fixin's of a Halloween extravaganza and you're all set.

Don't these sound like fantastic foodie items? It makes me a little nostalgic of Halloween's past, but with these quick treats you can bring a taste of Halloween to your life at any moment! I also want to emphasize how easy all of these suggestions are. Ten, fifteen minutes tops and you're all set to do the "Monster Mash."

Until next time, have a lovely Sunday Funday and hope everyone is successfully recovering from their Halloween's.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Foods Across America

As everyone knows, I love food. As we speak, i'm watching the Food Network and seeing Paula Dean make love to a stick of butter.

With that said, I've been thinking about foods that are staples in American culture. I investigated via Google and found ten quintessential foods that capture that good ol' American essence. A lot of what I found was quite interesting and pretty surprising.

View Untitled in a larger map

So, my question to you Quick Fix readers is this: What is your favorite type of food. Or...what food do you think is the epitome of All-American?

Until next time, have a safe and happy Halloween and eat tons of candy corn!

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Triple D

Last year, my now roommates lived together in Perkins Hall.

After a long, stressful day at the "office"or what I like to call class, I usually trekked down Morton Hill and went into their comfortable dorm room where I could always count on one thing: The Food Network.

Always playing, the Food Network became a constant in Perkins 202 and I thoroughly enjoyed unwinding, watching Giada pronounce 'spaghetti' with an Italian tongue or Bobby Flay, just well, being a complete dick. This is where the Food Network does me wrong.

Now, you may say, "Aimee, that's pretty harsh." But my response to you all is, have you ever seen him? No, honestly. Whenever I used to watch him, my roommates and I sat up, folded our arms and commented on his so-called authority during the show, "Throwdown with Bobby Flay."

I equate all my feelings for the B.Flay with this picture.

Grr....what exactly is he trying to show us!?

I looked at his show on the Food Network and this is his synopsis and highlighted the absurd:

"Chef Bobby Flay is on a secret mission: to challenge the absolute masters in different kinds of cooking – award-winning BBQers, bakers, pizza makers and more. In each episode, one of these cooks thinks Food Network is shooting their profile for a show. What they don't know is that Bobby is going to drop in for a surprise visit and challenge them to an unexpected cook-off. Since they're in their element and Bobby's out of his, prepare for an exciting, tension-filled competition."

The fact is, Mr. Flay, from what I have seen, usually wins every time. And why does he look so smug? I know he's from New York and thinks he needs to take a page from Mark Wahlberg, but really? If that is the case, maybe Bobby Flay needs a Funky Bunch.

Personally, if Bobby Flay challenged me (and I hypothetically would be a well-renowned stir-fry expert) to a stir-fry cook off, I would probably squirt soy sauce in his face and ask, "Who do you think you are?"

Okay, okay. A little extreme, probably. However, this is my very point. Just because you're on the Food Network, does this make you an expert?

I think everyone needs to model themselves off of one show. Like the title says, my friend Sam calls it "Triple D." That's right, in all it's greasy glory..."Diners, Drive-in's and Dives."

This is a show that features a former contestant and winner of the Foodie show, "The Next Food Network Star," Guy Fieri, traveling around the United States in search of unique dining experiences.

If you don't think that's brilliant in some shape or form, I believe you are un-American. The fact is that while Triple D almost puts the viewer under cardiac arrest because of all the grease shown within that half-hour, "Diners, Drive-in's and Dives" is not centered on healthy alternatives involving expensive ingredients, eating on a budget or a food competition. The show revolves around real people, real places and allows you to experience what the United States has to offer.

Until next time, good eatin' to all and to all a good night!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Brown Out

Happy fall, friends!

I asked around OU's campus on what I should do for my next cooking adventure. I hounded strangers, friends, professors, etc. inquiring what they would want to eat or at least like to read about.

Here's some of the interesting things they had to say:

So, with all their helpful advice, I decided on Sunday that I would make cherry brownies. I was determined to make a delicious, savory dessert that would make that show "Ace of Cakes" run away and scream in utter defeat....well, if Duff the lead baker in "Ace of Cakes" made brownies, too.

My whole brownie idea was to make them from scratch, but seeing as how I've never made anything before this blog, well, I'd settle for a date with my good ol' girl Betty.

Betty Crocker knows what she is doing. She has everything you need in simple, clear directions right on the back of the box. Some vegetable oil, water, eggs and you're all set.

I know this sounds juvenile, right? I almost feel like a 5-year-old who is attempting to play with her first Easy Bake Oven, which I suppose, isn't far off from the truth.

Anyway, the simple baking instructions were fine. My friend Mike and I handled the steps like pro's and cracking the eggs was the highlight of the evening. After about twenty minutes, the chocolatey aroma filled the cramped apartment and the timer finally went off, alerting us that the goods were ready!

The aftermath of the brownies were pretty good for my first attempt. A little hard once cooled off, but nonetheless not the worst brownie. And while the convenience of brownies in a box is seemingly easy and delicious, next time, I'd opt for the homemade.

I also have disappointing news to report:

My friends have all surprisingly contracted H1N1 and/or some odd illnesses. Thus, no dinner party on Thursday. Sad to say the least, but this means we can prepare for an bigger, even better dinner party! One fit for a king! With that said, I need everyone's help to make a list of dishes to serve my guests. Should we have a theme? Oh my!

So, until next time...readers, help me make a successful dinner party! In the words of Harvey Milk, "I recruit you!"

Monday, October 19, 2009

Traveling Through Time

So, Homecoming is over...and well, I'm exhausted.

A week full of chaos and no time to eat leaves me fatigued and getting sick.

However! I now have a life and that means I'm able to make delicious treats for all to enjoy.

My week goes as follows:

Monday: Relax (still relishing in the Homecoming aftermath)

Tuesday: Cherry Brownies which you will see me discussing below!

Wednesday: Hump day and that means good ol' Kraft Mac & Cheese

Thursday: My friends and I are having a dinner party at my apartment. Something spur of the moment, my good friends and I decided that what a better way to round out the week by throwing a dinner celebration! This will be a grand affair, my friends and I look forward to documenting my minute to minute crises with you!

Friday: Warming up Mom's meatloaf and getting ready for another UPC filled weekend.

I look forward to this week and winding down the quarter. While things have been a little crazy, I appreciate everyone's kind words of wisdom. And, dare I say, cooking has kind of been keeping me sane and calm.

So, until next time I'll be dreaming of these delicious Cherry Brownies...

Monday, October 12, 2009


As I write this very blog, i'm cringing with horror.

Call A&E, I need an intervention.

I've relapsed.

I look a little pitiful, in fact. The very thought of me going back to my old microwave tv dinner days is a little bittersweet. However, the very point of this blog was to try something new and challenge myself. How long did that last?

Seeing as how this one of the biggest and busiest weeks of my college career, I resorted back to the square box that is oh-so comforting.

Let us divulge on what is going on in my life this week, shall we?

This week is the culmination for three to four months of hard work. As I said in my first post, I am a member of the University Program Council at Ohio University and am in charge of annual events that UPC brings to campus. My main annual event this fall is our lovely Homecoming parade, "Traveling Through Time, Homecoming 2009." (shameless plug)

With that said, I have spent around thirty to forty hours a week planning this parade from its small conception. I have little to no time to sleep, let alone make a meal and feed myself....properly, that is.

So, I'm confiding to you friends about my inability to prepare a meal this week. I hope you're not too ashamed or disappointed.

Yet, I will post this week once again to let you know my progress, both personally and professionally. I may even take this little cooking hiatus to think of a new concoction I can whip up....maybe Sunday!

Until then, wish me luck and good eats!

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Mother Knows Best

As the title states, the reality is..."Mother Knows Best."

My loving mother thankfully came down to Ohio University Thursday evening, saving me from my food conundrum. Upon arrival, she lamented about my apartment steps, gawking at the array of smoked cigarettes and empty pizza boxes adorned with chicken bones from a frat party the night before.

"Aimee, I can't believe you live here...when I was a kid..."

"Mom, I know. But Kath, stop picking up the empty beer cans. You'll contract a possible disease."

With that out of the way, she walked into good ol' 402 B on a mission. But first, we had to come up with a game plan. With any important decision the Rancer's involve themselves in, food comes into the equation. My roommates decided to come along for the ride and we walked to our local favorite, The Court Street Diner.

Ordering the most healthy options on the menu (I.E. chili cheese fries and Oreo milkshakes) we concocted an extensive grocery list. One that would make any college student's jaw drop in awe. We vowed on going to Kroger, an awesome alternative to the death pit that is Wal-Mart.

Oh, and by the way...I annihilated those chili cheese fries. I highly suggest, no, I order people to try these things. They will in fact change your life. Besides, who doesn't like any food item smothered in cheesy goodness?

After GreaseFest 09, we get to Kroger with game plan's in our mind like contestants from that tv show, Supermarket Sweep.

"You have to shop smart, Aims. Stick with me kid and you're golden."

Being that she hasn't been wrong in 20 years, I learned to trust her. I anxiously followed her through the aisles, listening attentively to her wise, wise words.

Teaching me the ways of smart shopping and produce, we ended up filling the cart to its capacity.

Night falls and we pay the cashier, making small talk about malnutrition and the cold weather. Two-hundred dollars later, I come back to Courtside with a plethora of dining options.

Next Morning:

Bright and early at 9 a.m. my mother comes back and starts preparing food.

She seems oddly excited about the prospect of meatloaf and chicken noodle soup...from scratch. Now, don't get me wrong, I love food, but are these sentiments shared by all mothers? When I reach 40+ (sorry, Mom) is this what I'll look forward to?

With that aside, I help her cut all the vegetables for our feast.

She's adorable, really. Is that weird to say about your mother? Here she is introducing her interesting knowledge on all things quick to the World Wide Web:

In the end, she ended up making fantastic meals, as seen through the slide show below:

I'm impressed with her know-how and ability to not become stressed about cooking. She parted with some lasting words that I've never been keen to. "Plan, plan, plan. Plan a grocery list, plan a cooking schedule, plan a meal rotation, etc."

So, while i'm still getting the knack for cooking, i'm now associating this with something positive. Cooking with my mom was so enjoyable. Maybe it's the only child syndrome where I never like to be alone.

Let that been know to all you Quick Fix readers. Come help me cook! Make meals with me! Revel in my amateur skills! It's good for a laugh and your stomach.

I also was introduced into the world of tailgating on Saturday. It seems that Ohio State football is somewhat of a subculture in Columbus that I was (surprise, surprise) not aware of. This is coming from the girl who thought "Who Dey" was an actual football player. Sad truth, but I accept that. I thought that tailgates were limited to hot dogs and drunks.

Not so, my friends.

Ohio State tailgating is an all day event. Tents draped with the good ol' Scarlett and Grey were everywhere and the faint smell of smoked sausage filled the air.

I'll tell all you Quick Fix readers something, too. I loved every single minute of it. I can't wait to go again, not for the players, not for the camaraderie in the name of sportsmanship, but for the food.

As seen by the pictures, I sampled all Americana has to offer. Sausage, hot dogs, chips, wraps, cookies, peanuts, etc. were all at my fingertips. Staple items on every proud Mid westerner's foodie list.

So, until my next tailgate, i'm going to continue inquiring about "Who Dey's" capabilities and the fact that the saying, "I got it from my momma" is so, so false.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

The difference between being chicken and eating chicken

5 o'clock rolls around. Hungry and in a mad dash for another meeting in an hour, I anxiously run to CVS to pick up supplies for this "impromptu" dinner I was making.

Frantically calling my mother, an experienced cook and wise sage, the phone call went a little something like this:

Me: Mom...I don't have flour, lemon juice, oil or vinegar. I'm making lemon chicken and I only have lemon spices. What do I do?? I have Italian dressing. And pepper. That's it.

Mom: Calm down, Aimee. You're fine. Well, it's going to take an hour to...

Me: Mom! I don't have an hour!! I have half an hour!!!

The conversation went on for another 10 minutes or so, with my patient and ever-so-loving mother calming me down, talking me off a ledge and out of a full blown anxiety attack.

I made the bold decision to make a chicken recipe. Lemon chicken, in fact. However, when I found out that CVS does not carry lemon juice nor does it carry flour, I was in a pickle. Unable to drive to Kroger and back within an hour, I improvised.

I looked into my fridge and confidently took all the necessary ingredients to make a hodge-podge Italian feast Vito Corleone would be proud of.

The beginning stages of my meal. I marinated the chicken in Italian dressing and then proceeded to smother it in Italian seasonings. (Mind you, this is my first meal and I was going off the cuff)

I then had an internal dilemma. Bake or fry? Well, what's healthier? Baking. What's quicker? Frying.

I opted for the latter and well, just prepare yourself for what comes next. In my mind, I believe it's chaos personified:

Oil was getting everywhere and it shows. I'm one of those people that laugh anxiously whenever they get nervous, especially when hot oil is being flung from pan to skin. I may need to invest in an apron.

I do look miserable and in fact, I believe I was. I used the glove as an almost protective device from the oil. During this time, I began to feel very sorry for all the lethargic things I used to do at home. Back at home, my mother very thoughtfully made dinner each night and while it may not have been Emeril worthy, she still spent time and energy.

Am I missing this generous DNA strand or does it come in time?

The aftermath of the "last supper" was like my stove was washed with an oil tsunami.

I accompanied my "Italian" chicken with rice and green beans....from a can. Hey, what can I say. I'm starting out. Baby steps before I can tackle the big kahuna.

And, as I finished garnishing the meal I (and my loving roommate, Emily) worked so diligently on, I was overwhelmed with a sense of pride. I made my first meal! By myself...well, sort of. No help from Mum and not even with a Food Network recipe.

I know what you're doesn't look half bad, right?

I interviewed my roommates during the meal and this is what they had to say:

My loving accomplice Emily:

And my other roommate, Sam:

When it was all said and done, this was a learning experience, if nothing less. The point of this blog is to try something i've never done before. Make mistakes, get a little dirty (if oil constitutes for that) and have fun.

Also, as a little tid mother is coming down on Thursday specifically to make dinner for my roommates and I. She will be presenting a "Cooking 101 for Dummies" that I am obligated to attend. So, hopefully I'll be more skilled after Thursday and perhaps it'll even show. My mother stresses the importance of a balanced meal and "planning."

I've never been a planner and I like to fly by the seat of my pants. But as they say, "it's all fun and games until someone hurt." And well, from the videos...I think I covered all grounds: the fun, games and hurt.

Until next time a self reflection...

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Death of a Lean Cuisine

So, tonight will be my last 'Smart Ones' meal. It is truly a sad, sad thing.

I'm capturing every minute of my journey whether happy or sad. Mostly sad because they are so gosh darn easy.

Look how happy they make me:

It appears I'd be a good spokesperson for 'Smart Ones." Maybe a possible future career or night time gig if journalism doesn't work out.

I also thought i'd let the Internet community take a look at my pathetic excuse refrigerator and freezer.

Without further adieu...

And then, of course...I bought something that is definitely NOT kosher.

This would pain my mother and quite possibly break my father's heart.

Yeah. It's the Devil's play food. That's right...cue the ominous music...


HOWEVER, with mustard, it does make for a delicious, quick treat. Well, besides the fact that it contains a mixture of beef, chicken and pork.


Until tomorrow's cooking adventure, i'm going to enjoy my "Spaghetti and Meat Sauce."

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Pressed for time

Seeing as how this is my very first blog of the year and about a topic I have never written about, I have a confession.

I am not domesticated in the slightest.

As one's age increases year after year, one thinks that they would obtain characteristics that would qualify them as mature, transitioning them from child to adult. However, I soon learned this ideology is far from true.

As I moved in to my first and very own apartment down in good ol' Athens, Ohio I was left with a predicament more severe than I had first thought.

Classes began, organizations resumed from last Spring and I was left frantic and empty bellied.

Being a self-proclaimed "organization whore" I realized that I involve myself too heavily in everything resembling the usage of the term "extracurricular activity." And like I said previously, this leaves me with little to no time at the end of the evening to cram food into my mouth like a savage while I study Freud's Theory of Evolution or if Playboy is the demise of women's liberation in the United States.

After a long hard day last year, I enjoyed going back to my dorm and strolling into the lovely dining hall, having people basically hand me food at a moment's notice.

No longer do I have the luxury of going to a dining hall on this campus, having a variety of food options at my fingertips. I now go back to my dimly lit 402 B with hunger pangs slowly but surely reminding me of my lack of ability.

My friends laugh. My mother laughs. In fact, everyone I know is somehow astonished that I cannot simply grasp the simple concept of putting cookie dough on a baking sheet. It's not that I am idiot, I can follow directions just fine, but somehow this task that a sixth grader can pull off with ease, I miserably crash and burn.

And this, my friends, is where I start my case. I can't bake cookies. I can't make macaroni and cheese and I can't even make an actual meal...with actual ingredients.

For a twenty-year-old, I think the consensus is that that is a sad, sad thing. And if I want to become the "mature, grown-up" that I think I am, something needs to happen. And it needs to happen fast.

What a perfect assignment and this cannot come at a better time. My mission, if I choose to accept it (and considering this depends on my grade for class, I have to) is to attempt, and I say that loosely, to make a meal that my mother would be proud of and have my friend's mouths wetting with appetite. The name of this blog is "Quick Fix" for a reason. With any college student and human being in general, many of us can't afford to spend hours making and baking. Thus, every meal I make has to be under an hour. Any longer and I couldn't stand myself.

So, Internet community, I challenge myself and you for that matter, to be the best cook we can be.

Get your spatula's ready, your knives sharpened and ingredients prepared.

I'm in it to win it. Well, at least until my next meeting.